

06 Dec 2024

Via del Mandrione 3, Roma

Dance with the devil weekender is comin again!!

Day #1 : Live on stage Larry Manteca Band. https://larrymanteca.bandcamp.com

+ allnighter:

Special guest djs for the weekender:
Emanuel Em (Denmark - Italy)
James Pogson (USA-UK)
João Tenreiro (Portugal)
Max Kunze aka Sir Vivor (Germany)
Elena Annibali (Solid Groove Club - Arezzo)

Dance with the devil resident djs:
Alfredo DjArnold Maddaloni / Donato Zarrilli / Francesco Ardolino / Francesco Macri / Luigi Slim Fiore


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Angel Bat Dawid

Next event - 09 Feb

Angel Bat Dawid